


HKUST(GZ) Kicks off its Inaugural 3MT® Competition

4月12日,香港科技大学(广州)(以下简称“港科大(广州)”)语言教育学部(Division of Language Education ,DLE)举办首届3MT®演讲比赛说明及赛前培训会,数十位来自四大枢纽和红鸟硕士学部的硕博研究生现场或通过线上会议参与本次活动。

On 12 April, the Division of Language Education (DLE) at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) (HKUST (GZ)) held a briefing and training session for its inaugural 3MT® (Three Minute Thesis) Competition. The event attracted dozens of PhD and MPhil students from the four Hubs (Function Hub, Information Hub, Systems Hub, and Society Hub) and the Division of Red Bird MPhil (RBM).

3MT®(Three Minute Thesis,三分钟论文)演讲比赛是一项富有盛名的国际性学术交流赛事。为培养学生的学术沟通能力、促进融合学科交流与合作,港科大(广州)语言教育学部携手四大枢纽和红鸟硕士学部,将于近期举办首届香港科技大学(广州)3MT®演讲比赛,为学生搭建展示研究成果和风采的平台。

The 3MT® Competition is a prestigious international research communication event. To cultivate students' academic communication skills and promote interdisciplinary communication and collaboration, DLE is to partner with the four Hubs and RBM to organise the first HKUST (GZ) 3MT® Competition from May 2023, providing a platform for students to showcase their research findings and communicative capacities.


During the briefing and training session, Dr Yanhua Liu, 3MT Event Coordinator and a lecturer at DLE, briefed the participants on information such as judging criteria, competition format, prizes, and schedule. Dr. Liu graduated from the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, with his Masters dissertation and PhD thesis focusing on the discourse features of 3MT presentations. He has published several papers on the topic in core journals. To help students prepare for the competition, Dr. Liu shared his insights and knowledge from years of researching on the competition, including suggestions on organising the presentation content, using language strategies for interacting with the audience, as well as designing an effective slide. 


本次活动还邀请到英国纽卡斯尔大学2014年比赛亚军、语言教育学部讲师Jaeuk Park博士,他分享了相关参赛心得和获胜技巧。Jaeuk Park博士强调了练习的重要性,他当年排练近百遍的经历帮助他在比赛中更好地把握时间节奏以及肢体语言运用。Jaeuk Park博士建议同学们要保持冷静与自信,为自己的研究感到自豪。

The event also featured Dr Jaeuk Park, a lecturer from DLE and the Runner-up of the 2014 3MT competition at Newcastle University, UK, who shared his competition experience and winning tips. Dr Jaeuk Park emphasised the importance of practice, revealing that he rehearsed his speech nearly 100 times, which enabled him to deliver his presentation with perfect timing and good body language. Dr Jaeuk Park also advised students to "stay calm and confident", and "be proud of your work" throughout the competition.

Jaeuk Park博士


This year's HKUST (GZ) 3MT® competition comprises preliminary rounds and a final. The preliminary rounds will be held from 4 to 12 May, when two best presenters from each of the Four Hubs and RBM will qualify for the final round. The university final will be held on 2 June, during which up to 10 finalists will compete for the Champion and other winner titles with research grants awards of up to RMB 5000. One of the winners will also have the opportunity to represent HKUST (GZ) in the 2023 Virtual Asia-Pacific 3MT® Final hosted by The University of Queensland in Australia.



About the 3MT® competition

The Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) is a research communication competition developed by The University of Queensland (UQ) in 2008. Research postgraduate students have three minutes, using one slide, to present a compelling oration on their thesis and its significance. 3MT challenges students to consolidate their ideas and research findings so they can be presented concisely to a non-specialist audience. The event is currently held in over 900 universities across more than 85 countries. HKUST has been organising the event on its Clear Water Bay Campus since 2014.




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香港科技大学广州 红鸟鸣智教学

